3 Steps to Success

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Get in touch to discuss your goals

Build your program for change

Tailor the number and length of sessions for times that best suit your schedule

Apply lasting and supportive change

Revise unhelpful thought patterns for transformative, empowering and successful change

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March 2025

How we help

Confidence and Self-esteem

Confidence and Self-esteem

Build healthy confidence and self-esteem in meetings, when speaking to an audience, in sport, exams or other situations.

Health and Fitness

Health and Fitness

Improve eating and physical exercise habits, manage addictions, IBS or achieve other health and fitness goals more easily and effortlessly.

Fears, Phobias and Pain Management

Fears, Phobias and Pain Management

Learn to take greater control of fears, phobias and improve techniques for pain management.


Hypnotherapy at Zen Hypnosis is a practice based in West London that helps to empower each individual to fulfil their potential and achieve their goals.

The practice is run by Bhavin Thakrar (Dip. Hyp. HTI), a certified hypnotherapist who has hundreds of hours of experience in the safe use of hypnosis for therapeutic change. Taught to meditate at the age of 5, he helps clients to recognise and apply the power of the subconscious mind and has successfully empowered others to do the same.


“I felt very safe and easy to open up to Bhavin. He is thoughtful, encouraging and insightful. During my session, I had realisations which helped me see past issues in a new light, I started to recognize and be in control of those emotions which were keeping me powerless and therefore restricting me from achieving my goals. Bhavin has helped me to move on and has set me on the right road to renewed self confidence and improved self-esteem.”

– Confidence and Self-Esteem client

“Hi Bhav listened to [recording] last night just before going to bed and felt really relaxed…had a car journey and a gig on Saturday with no issues at all!”

– IBS client

“Just thought I’d drop you an email to let you know that the [Best Man’s] speech went very well on Saturday. I didn’t really feel nervous at all for the whole day and so was able to enjoy the wedding service and even the meal beforehand. When I got up to do the speech I felt comfortable straight away and found it easy to remember my speech – I didn’t even shake at all!”

– Confident Public Speaking client

“Since seeing Bhav for hypnotherapy I have improved my concentration for study, and been able to focus on my work. I felt really comfortable working with him and would highly recommend him”

– Study and Exam Performance client

Frequently Asked Questions

What is hypnosis?

Every person can develop a natural state of awareness called hypnosis or trance. Hypnosis is a normal experience, which anyone can have, in the right circumstances and with the right hypnotherapist. In a hypnotic state an individual gains a greater awareness of their needs and capabilities. A person can be freed from mistaken beliefs, false assumptions, self-doubts and fears which stand in the way of their fullest participation in life.

What does it feel like to be hypnotised?

In hypnosis, an individual experiences an extraordinary quality of mental, physical and emotional relaxation as anxiety and worries dissolve. In fact, hypnosis almost feels like taking a nap. The main difference is the guided experience. There are many effects that hypnosis can have on an individual such as deep and slow breathing, muscle relaxation, eyelids flickering and greater awareness; none of which can cause you any harm or pain.

Is it safe?

Completely. Hypnosis does not work if you do not want to be hypnotized. You are fully in control and if you wish to, you can bring yourself out of the hypnotic state at any time.

How does hypnosis work?

As an idea reaches the mind through the five physical senses it is first processed by the conscious mind. This analyzing part of the mind can change, weaken, or inhibit the incoming suggestion. Our education, prejudices and misinformation can alter incoming suggestions. By the time the suggestion is filtered through this critical factor and reaches the subconscious it is often substantially changed in intensity and content.

In hypnosis, as the conscious mind temporarily diminishes, the subconscious mind comes forward. Consciousness never disappears in hypnosis and hypnosis is never equated with unconsciousness. When the deeper states of trance are induced, the conscious mind relaxes, agreeably relinquishes control and stands aside as an onlooker and can intervene whenever necessary.

Can everyone be hypnotized?

Co-operation by each individual is key to induce the hypnotic state.

What is hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy is a form of therapy combining trance induction of hypnosis with individualized techniques by each hypnotherapist. Every hypnotherapist has specialized tools, techniques and backgrounds specifically directed to their field. Hypnotherapy encompasses a holistic approach to health and healing and the person’s total well-being. Hypnotherapy is a dramatic rapid intervention system which reshapes the client’s feelings of competence and capability. Within the sessions of hypnotherapy, one may discover hidden memories, latent creativity, new insights, feelings of competence, release of fears or touch a deep emotion.

How can hypnotherapy help me?

Through the use of hypnotherapy we can create a positive present by recreating the past. Our present experiences are influenced by past memories contained in our subconscious mind. When we change the emotional remembrance of these events, we also change our current attitudes, beliefs and motivations toward our present reality.


We can manifest a creative and successful present and future by re-programming the past stored in our subconscious minds. As a child we could not choose the belief structure or conditioning we received from our parents, peers and environment. As adults, we can re-program or re-write any inhibiting past scripts and the role being played in the present. Re-creation is a dynamic therapy process which works simply and gently to help one manifest a limitless future.

Can a hypnotherapist control me and make me do or say something while in hypnosis?

No. An individual always retains control in trance and can accept or reject anything a hypnotherapist suggests.

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